When I tried to browse a page in my site, I was prompted with a wonderful crash dialog indicating: webdev.webserver.exe has stopped working. This continued no matter how often I tried or rebooted.
I am not sure why the failure occured, but I noticed a coupled things:
- A new web site in a new solution worked fine
- My existing web sites in a new solution did not work
- The event log had the following message: Fault bucket 158894065, type 5
Event Name: CLR20r3
Response: None
Cab Id: 0
Problem signature:
P1: webdev.webserver.exe
P3: 4731664b
P4: System
P6: 47577deb
P7: 2c04
P8: 40
P9: System.Net.Sockets.Socket
I am not sure of the relevance of P9 but I thought hmm could the port it was using be blocked. Running netstat -a did not show the ports in use but I decided to try and change the ports anyways.
Visual Studio stores all the project settings for a web site in the solution file. To change the default port for a web site you need to find the following line and edit it:
Project("{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}") = "Project Name", "Project Name", "{3BD859EC-9AF2-4866-B43C-EE8AEFF0DF49}"
ProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject
...Addition project properties....
VWDPort = "58332"
After modifying it to use a different port Cassini had no issue launching. Hope someone else finds this helpful. And if you have any idea of additional things I should have looked at please leave a comment!
Editting a solution file is very easy. Find the solution file, and open it up in your favorite text editor. Then find the port setting setting, and edit it.